Ashly Diaz, Founder, and Creator of Gem Wear started her fitness journey in 2017. For two years she focused on a healthier lifestyle with fitness and launched Gem Wear in early 2019. Ashly has became an inspiration to many who finds it hard to find the gem's in the rough, especially in fitness. She wants every woman to feel confident and know that through all the gains and loss you are a gem. 

Gem Wear solely focuses on the process. During the process, it is only right to be comfy, stylish and fit. 

Ashly is building a comfort zone for all women to be comfortable in their skin and in all walks of life. Fun fact: diamonds are formed naturally in earth's mantle under conditions of extreme temperature and pressure. But, did you know that gem's shine brighter than a diamond. 

She understands how important it is to be an example to others. Even as a mother to set the example for kids. It is a healthy balance when kids see you living a happy, well rounded lifestyle. Through her content on Instagram and YouTube you will find Ashly's workouts, eating tips and beauty tips. It is always natural GAINS EVERY MINUTE in a Gem Wear way.